The Cercle de Cultura is one of the entities that collaborate in the electoral debate on culture organized by the Association of Professionals of Cultural Management of Catalonia (APGCC) and that will bring together representatives of the different political forces that attend the elections of 14 February. Culture in Debate, an act in online format, can be followed through the APGCC YouTube channel, Tuesday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m. It is expected that Héctor Abelló, on behalf of Ciudadanos, Jenn Díaz, from Esquerra Republicana de Cataluña, Gemma Lienas, from the Party of Socialists of Catalonia, Ramon Arnabat, from En Común Podemos, Natalia Sánchez, from the CUP, Manuel Reyes, from the Popular Party and Francesc Ten, from Together for Catalonia. The journalist María Cuso will be in charge of moderating the event.
Cercle de Cultura collaborates in ‘Culture under debate’, an electoral event on culture organized by the APGCC
Culture under debate will bring together representatives of the different political forces running in the 14F elections.