Cercle de Cultura and Ateneu Barcelonès are organizing a new series of debates entitled “Museums of art, city, cultural project and funding needs”. The first session will take place on October 28 at 6.30 pm at the Ateneu Barcelonès, with the interventions of Víctor Magrans, administrator of the MNAC, and Marko Daniel, director of the […]
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The Cercle has considered it appropriate for the entity to regularly express its opinion in the face of significant events that shape or impact the cultural sector. If it is an important issue this opinion will take the form of a statement or manifesto. That is why it has also created a specific commission open […]
It largely depends on us. Know how to take advantage of opportunities and our strengths and overcome the fragility of the cultural sectors. As well as knowing how to make people understand and convince that culture is not a decorative element of public policies and that it is not a set of marginal activities that […]
Until now, the vice president and general director of the Pau Casals Foundation has been elected president of the Cercle de Cultura in the assembly that was held this Thursday, February 18.
Statement from the Cercle de Cultura regarding the strategic value of culture in the post-Covidien-19 economic transition and recovery. The Cercle de Cultura asks the State and Catalan public administrations that culture and cultural industries form part of the real priorities with which the European recovery, resilience and transformation funds are managed
Through the laculturaemtoca.cat website, the campaign encourages citizens who love culture to buy, disseminate and / or donate to return to culture everything that has contributed to us in the extremely difficult times of the pandemic.